How Fitness Combats Senior Social Isolation


Fitness and being active overall are absolutely essential for successful aging especially for seniors. Even an activity as simple as going for a walk poses multiple benefits for seniors. Although it is a lot easier for seniors who are physically capable to fulfill certain activities, those who are unable to do things on their own as easily, can still discover ways to be active. 

Benefits of physical activity for seniors

There is clear evidence that shows the many benefits associated with physical activity in seniors. Exercise makes our body release endorphins which plays a vital role in enhancing our moods. It also increases our serotonin levels which can positively influence their appetite, memory, sleep and learning (Hur Usa). Fitness can also prevent disease in seniors specifically heart disease and diabetes, improve their body’s overall immune function as well as lower their risk of dementia due to the practice of getting into a frequent routine. There has also been a decreased risk for potential falls as exercise helps promote strength, flexibility, balance and coordination (The GreenFields, 2020). When it comes to community fitness, an increase in social and emotional well-being have been evident among seniors. Community exercise provides opportunities for social interaction within seniors depending on the activity and/or program. Due to this, seniors are able to establish new relationships and improve their levels of enjoyment and confidence in being physically active (The GreenFields, 2020). 

Did you know that dancing is a senior’s favourite way to stay active (Philips Lifeline, 2020)?

Besides dancing, there are countless of ways for seniors to remain physically active. Those individuals who are able to be active on their own can go for walks (by themselves, with others or with a pet), do yoga, go swimming or participate in any activity that involves any type of movement (i.e., planting). Seniors can also partake in online exercise programs if they have access to social media as well as community fitness facilities. For seniors who are unable to be active as easily, seated exercises can be completed, or other individuals can assist them maneuver around if possible.

Brantford’s senior health programs

No matter the physical capabilities or living situations of an individual, all seniors can discover a way to be active. Brantford offers a program called “Seniors for Seniors” which provides seniors with opportunities to participate in health workshops, Zumba and many other activities (City of Brantford, 2019). A non-profit organization called “ParticipACTION” is also aimed to promote healthy living and fitness among seniors (ParticipACTION, 2020). By providing seniors with opportunities that are customized to some of the physical limitations of seniors as well as mobility, injury prevention, social engagement and motivation, individuals will be more likely to be physically active. Fitness allows seniors to feel less lonely and isolated due to not only the various health benefits mentioned above, but by the constant distraction these activities provide these individuals whether they do fulfill this on their own or surrounded by others.