Seniors and Kids Intergenerational Programs

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Positive Aspects of Technology for Youth

Technology offers youth an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills necessary for their future. While there will always be a debate about youth engaging in various forms of technology, we would like to focus on some of the positive benefits it offers our youth. First of all, let’s define the type of technology we are talking about. Specifically, we are referring to modern technology such as the internet, social media, communication-based online environments, smart phones, tablets, and computers. This technology is focused on efficiency, speed, entertainment and faceless communication. It also brings youth the opportunity to connect, learn and engage with various topics that inspire creativity and build self-esteem. While everything in life should be done in moderation, engaging with modern technology may provide youth with positive connections and opportunities to develop skills and increase their understanding. The world of the internet provides our youth with the opportunity to explore new topics, learn new hobbies and engage in alternate creative outlets.

Embracing technology must be done in a positive manner to enhance opportunities and knowledge for youth. Youth should refrain from spending the majority of their time on their smartphone and laptops, as to incorporate other healthy practices into their daily routines. However, a small amount of time reading, exploring new hobbies or engaging in safe communication can support the youth of today to develop practical life skills.

Technology has also been demonstrated to be beneficial in the classrooms. It increases engagement amongst youth within a classroom environment which can help with information retention, collaboration and critical thinking skills. Utilizing technology in a classroom environment allows for different learning styles to be incorporated into a learning plan, which ultimately benefits our youth’s futures. Technology being integrated into classrooms allows youth to engage in skills that are now mandated in most careers. Youth are expected to be the experts on technology, so why not give them the opportunity to develop these skills in an educational setting. 

Like anything, new technology comes with both advantages and disadvantages. It is important to be mindful of how much our youth are engaging with modern technology, and direct them to utilize it for positive outcomes and educational purposes. As technology has become an essential aspect of our current lives, it is critical that we focus on the advantages it brings for our youth when used in a responsible manner. Technology supports the development of critical thinking skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills, writing skills and much more. Our youth have the opportunity to easily access information that informs and educates them, aids them in developing pro-social relationships, problem solving skills and ultimately, allows them to explore their identity through self-expression, education and creative interactions.